Archive for February, 2010

Making the curve…

February 10, 2010

I’ve designed mats in interesting shapes before but this mat was the ultimate. One side was geometric, the other an organic curve. Without a very large old-fashion french curve (a plastic sled-like templet used to hand draw unusual shapes), I was left to take increment measurements and literally draw freehand the arc on a very large paper templet. Wow, what a process… and then there’s the design… a pseudo Lichtenstein mosaic divided into individual frisco backgrounds. Not to mention, below this design was another painted design that I decided didn’t work. Talk about taking it to the mat… Whew!

Asparagus, olives, pear – oh my…

February 2, 2010

The client wasn’t sure what they wanted designed on their mat so I took a creative leap with large stylized vegetables. Luckily they loved the idea. The abstract quality along with the unassuming colors makes it ideal for a modern kitchen. It also added a playful yet sophisticated focus to the room. The 3 foot pepper mill gives a whole new standard for the quintessential large pepper mill… would you like pepper on that?